In consideration for being permitted to participate in any and all sanctioned IBTA events including championships, tournaments, workshops and/or activities in calendar year 2025, and notwithstanding that certain IBTA events that are not yet on the calendar for 2025, Participant, for him/herself, his/her personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin:
1. Hereby releases, waives, discharges and covenants not to sue IBTA (including all of its directors, officers, employees, staff and volunteers), the sanction holder, host facility(ies), the management and the organisation of the event including tournament director[s], referees, officials, and other event staff and volunteers as well as players, coaches, and any additional participants, (hereinafter referred to as “Releasees”) from all liability to the undersigned, his/her/their personal representatives, assigns, heirs and next of kin for any and all loss or damage, and any claim, actions or demands therefore on account of injury and/or exposure to infectious syndromes or any diseases including but not limited to Covid-19 to the person or property or resulting in illness and/or harm of the undersigned arising out of or related to the event. By participating or attending this event you assume all risks whether known or unknown. Releasees assume no responsibility for any injuries, disabilities or death sustained by participant.
2. Hereby acknowledges that participation in IBTA events may be dangerous and involve risks, including, but not limited to possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to Covid-19. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the Releasees or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation as regards protection against infectious diseases. If, however, I observe and any unusual or significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately. I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby indemnify, release, hold harmless and defend the Releasees, with respect to any and all illness, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of Releasees or otherwise, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
3. Hereby grants to the IBTA (and grants to IBTA the right to grant to others), as well as their successors and assigns, in perpetuity, the irrevocable right (but not the obligation), with or without my knowledge, to photograph, film, videotape, record, exhibit, edit, alter, copy, reproduce, license, sell, rent, disclose, display, publish, distribute, broadcast, webcast, post on a Website and in Social Media channels, prepare derivative works from or otherwise preserve, use and/or exploit in any format and/or manner now known or hereafter developed, whether commercial or non-commercial in nature (collectively, the “use and materials”): (1) my appearance at and/or participation in the event; (2) my name, likeness, signature, voice, conversation, sounds, biographical data, testimonials, and/or any other material secured by the Releasees in connection with my appearance at and/or participation in the IBTA events. I agree that Releasees shall have the right to the use materials, for their own account, in perpetuity. I acknowledge and agree that I shall not be entitled to receive any compensation whatsoever in connection with the Releasees’ exercise of its use and materials rights.
I have read this release and waiver of liability, assumption of all risk, and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that i have given up substantial rights by signing it, and have signed it freely and voluntarily without any inducement, assurance or guarantee being made to me and intend my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law. I understand that I am releasing IBTA from any and all liabilities, known and unknown, promising not to sue them, assuming all risks of participating in all sanctioned IBTA events, tournaments, championships and activities in 2025 as well as traveling to and from the venue where said events, tournaments, championships and activities are to be held, and indemnifying them against any and all losses. The undersigned agrees to be bound by this release and waiver of liability, assumption of all risk, and indemnity agreement if it is signed and/or submitted electronically.
I represent and warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of Participant, the individual who signed the foregoing Release (“Minor”) and that I have received, read, and understood the foregoing Release and Waiver. I fully consent to and voluntarily authorize the Minor to execute said Release and Waiver (or, if applicable, have voluntarily executed said Release and Waiver on Minor’s behalf), including if said Release and Waiver is signed or submitted electronically by Minor and/or me. I acknowledge and agree that all representations, consents, agreements, grants, waivers, authorizations, indemnifications and releases herein shall be regarded as made by me on behalf of the Minor and shall be binding on me and the Minor. In consideration of Releasees possibly including me and/or Minor in the IBTA events, I hereby agree to be bound by and to perform all of the terms and conditions of the foregoing Release and Waiver (including, without limitation, the provisions regarding release of all claims), as such terms and conditions may relate to my participation and/or the participation of the Minor in the IBTA events, if any.