Constitution & Statutes
International Blind Tennis Association
The name of the Association shall be ”the INTERNATIONAL BLIND TENNIS ASSOCIATION” (“the Association”).
Advance, encourage, promote, coordinate and manage tennis activities for Blind and Vision Impaired players including, but not limited to:
- Developing the Rules of Tennis, as developed by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), as they specifically apply to the game of Blind Tennis;
- Ensuring that the necessary anti-doping regulations and anti-corruption regulations are applied, as appropriate, to the game of Blind Tennis
- Defining and regularly review the sight classification and testing regulations
- Encouraging the development of best practice coaching techniques for blind and vision impaired players
- Encouraging the development of consistent and high quality specialist equipment for Blind Tennis
- Encouraging the development of the growth of the game in countries around the world

IBTA Constitution Documents
Click on the link to download the full accessible document of the IBTA Constitution to be reviewed by the Executive Committee